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ZOOM Etiquette

We don’t know if Miss Manners has published a book, yet, about Zoom etiquette, but our shared experience will be better if we all understand and observe a few common expectations:

  • When you join the Zoom service, your mic will be muted by the Zoom host. There will be an opportunity to un-mute your mic and visit with others online before and after the service.
  • Think of this experience as equivalent to coming to shul, and please bring the same respectful attitude that you would if you were in the sanctuary. Please dress and act accordingly if you choose to have your camera on (it’s an option), and remember that others can see you.
  • There will be no chat option in Zoom on Shabbat, because it’s distracting and takes away from the sense of being present as a community.
Wed, September 11 2024 8 Elul 5784