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COVID-19 Policy

One of the highest Jewish values is the preservation of life. Throughout the COVID pandemic, we have prioritized pikuach nefesh (preservation of human life) in deciding when and how we gather. Our Medical Advisory Group reviews the data and trends.  Our policies are informed by these reviews. 

Update - 8/16/2023:

Our medical advisory group has met to discuss COVID safety at Beth Israel during our High Holiday services. Please see below for a summary of our plans.

  • We strongly recommend wearing a mask during services, but masks are not required.
  • There will be a mask-required seating area in the sanctuary
  • We strongly recommend immunization against COVID-19, but immunization proof is not required.
  • If you do not feel well (cold symptoms or fever), DO NOT COME to services!

On behalf of our BI medical advisory group. wishing all of you a healthy, happy High Holiday period and New Year 5784!

For More Information and Updates . . .

Information about services and programs is shared via emails, social media, and the BI website, as well as our monthly newsletter, BI@Home. Details for Zoom meetings are available in member emails or via the member login on the BI website. For more information, please call the BI Office, (508) 756-6204, between 9:00 and 3:00, Monday through Friday.

If you need to deliver something in hard copy to the synagogue (checks, documents, etc), please contact the BI Office for instructions.

Feel free to reach out to the Rabbi or the office if you would like a call, text, video chat, or email. In addition, if you are diagnosed with COVID-19, please inform Rabbi Fellman,, so that we can support you. If you are not feeling well, let us know. If you are feeling isolated, please reach out. We are physically separated but remain a caring, sacred community.

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784