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For Adults

Questions and debate. Studying with a partner or a group. These are the essence of Jewish study. When we learn together, the whole of our acquired understanding is always greater than the sum of each individual’s knowledge and contribution to the discussion.

Here at Beth Israel, you’ll find all kinds of adult learning opportunities, whatever your starting point. We’re also open to suggestions, if there’s a subject you’d like to explore. Check What’s Nu? for upcoming events. Most programs are currently conducted on Zoom. Here’s a sampling of recent offerings:

Exploring Judaism with Rabbi Fellman—Looking to convert to Judaism? Born Jewish and want to know more? We cover everything from the Jewish holidays and life-cycle events to Jewish history, theology, and Israel. Individuals and couples of all backgrounds who wish to engage and explore our religious and cultural traditions are welcome to this yearlong course.

TGIF: Torah Goodness, It's Friday!—Study the weekly Torah portion with Rabbi Fellman. Stay online for “Kemach” Cooking with Rabbi Eve Eichenholtz of Congregation Agudat Achim for recipes and a taste of Torah, too.

Project Zug—Thanks to a generous donor, BI members have free access during 5781 to the outstanding online text study courses offered by Hadar. Partner with BI friends or another member of the Zug international community. Offerings range from “Everyday Moral Dilemmas” to “The Song of Songs: A Love Story in Four Scenes.”

Members Together—Socialize with friends online and expand your knowledge of Jewish culture, social issues, and history, mixed with just plain fun. Among recent topics: Israeli v American parenting, the relationship of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Abraham Joshua Heschel, Environmental Sustainability and the Torah, a virtual tour of Jewish Paris, and more.

Racial Justice Initiative—Explore films, lectures, and books that heighten our understanding of racial inequity in our society. Join with us as we seek avenues to work toward racial justice in our community and beyond.

Mindfulness Meditation—Dr. Elana Salmoirago-Blotcher, a medical researcher and expert in mindfulness stress reduction, leads weekly online sessions that add peace and clarity to your world.

Study and Socialize—BI Brotherhood’s monthly Sunday breakfasts and Sisterhood’s programs offer guest speakers and other learning opportunities, along with a chance to catch up and schmooze.

Torathon—This annual community-wide event presents a wide range of Jewish learning opportunities for one Saturday night in November. Coordinated by the Jewish Federation of Central Massachusetts


Tue, October 22 2024 20 Tishrei 5785