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Who We Are

When you enter Congregation Beth Israel, here are a few things you’ll discover:

Cherished traditions balanced by openness to needs of a changing world. Our services are egalitarian. We read the full Torah portion each week (although we have shifted to a triennial cycle for Zoom services.) All genders help to lead services, read Torah, and are counted in minyan. Area college students and teens who have become b’nai mitzvah also take an active role. Our Rabbi is pleased to create meaningful rituals around life cycle events that meet diverse needs, and she officiates at Jewish same-gender wedding ceremonies.

Questions encouraged. No matter your level of Jewish knowledge, practice, or identity—from curious beginner to never-went-to-Hebrew-School-after-b’nai-mitzvah, from married-into-Judaism to Jewish macher—you are welcome to learn more. Whether you’re exploring Judaism for the first time or wrestling with a challenging Jewish text, our Rabbi is always glad to answer your questions.

A place for everyone. Participating in services, reading Torah, studying together, cooking shelter meals, playing Mahjong, joining our loyal team of volunteers—there are many ways to get involved, and we’ll help you to find your place. We are committed to living our values through our spiritual practice, committee work, and special initiatives with the Greater Worcester community. We welcome and honor interfaith families and diverse voices as part of Beth Israel’s spiritual family, and our building is fully accessible.

Song! Whether services are led by our Rabbi or a lay member, everyone joins in. Don’t worry if you can’t carry a tune—some of us can’t, either! It’s the ruach, the spirit that counts.

Kid-friendly. There’s a space in the sanctuary for little ones to play with parental supervision, as well as a room with toys across the hall from the chapel. You’ll also find a quiet spot for nursing and a changing table. Toddlers often wander about, and all our children help to lead singing at the end of services and receive a sweet treat. Programming for our youngest members includes Tot Shabbat and our Rimon Religious School.

Eating together! (Hey, we’re Jews!) After Shabbat morning services, please join us in the Shapiro Social Hall for a sit-down Kiddush lunch. Share festive holiday celebrations, family simchas, parties and more. One of the best things about eating together is getting to know each other better.

So, that’s a little taste of Beth Israel. To find out more, please click here. We look forward to meeting you!

Image courtesy of Worcester Telegram & Gazette

Tue, October 22 2024 20 Tishrei 5785