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Save the Date: Artist-in-Residence weekend with Rabbi Jackson Mercer and Soferet Rachel Jackson, February 7-8. Here
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Volunteer Initiatives

There are many ways to get involved at BI, whether you love to plan a party or prepare a meal for a local shelter, organize a study group or visit members who are homebound.

Volunteers are the lifeblood of our community, and we always welcome newcomers and new ideas.

Recent volunteer-driven initiatives include:

  • Transitioning BI to be fully operational online during the pandemic for all religious services and programming.
  • A close review of our synagogue campus for accessibility to all, which led to upgrades of the sanctuary, entrances, bathrooms, and other facilities.
  • Formation of a racial justice study group to heighten our understanding of racial inequity in our society and to work toward racial justice in our community and beyond.
  • Creation of BING (Beth Israel Next Generation), a supportive community of young Jewish adults and families with preschoolers who gather for social activities and events.
  • Social Action, including shelter meals, clothing drives, food collections, and other initiatives to support the Greater Worcester community.
  • Weekly Mahjongg, a relaxing way to join with BI friends.

Interested in learning more? Please contact the BI Office.


Fri, January 17 2025 17 Tevet 5785