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Worcester USY

The Fellmans and our USY families wish BI a Happy Hanukkah 5781!

BI teens find Jewish fellowship through our United Synagogue Youth chapter. Undaunted by the pandemic, we take socially distanced hikes, cook shelter meals from our homes, play games online and lead online Shabbat services for the synagogue, and participate in national conferences with activities and speakers via Zoom. 

This past winter, we also joined Rabbi Fellman for a 4-part series of online text study through the Hadar Institute’s Project Zug, with lively discussions about real issues and choices facing teens, from a Jewish perspective. Please check Calendar for upcoming events.

For more information about New England USY regional events, click here.

To learn about International USY and International USY Summer Programs, such as USY on Wheels and USY Israel Pilgrimage, please visit United Synagogue Youth.

To get involved with Worcester USY, please contact the BI Office.

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784