BI Funds
BI Donation Funds
100th Anniversary Fund
Supporting anniversary programming
Norman & Marianne Baker Fund
Building improvements
BING - Beth Israel New Generation
Young professional social and religious group
BI Senior Outreach Network
Joseph Cohen Memorial Fund
To beautify the shul and synagogue entrance
Nathan & Paula Cohen Fund
For youth scholarships to Camp Ramah, Yavneh, USY on Wheels, et al
Samuel & Bessie Cooper Scholarship Fund
For BI members 18 and older to attend college in Israel
Darvish Family Fund
For financial assistance and scholarships to Hebrew School students
General Endowment Fund
Grow our Endowment for our 100th Anniversary
Milton Evanstein Scholarship Fund
For scholarships to Camp Ramah or Camp Yavneh
Nathan Feingold Scholarship Fund
Scholarships for charitable, religious, scientific, literary, or education
Sam Frank Torah/Ritual Fund
To purchase daily ritual items
Ann Freedman Scholarship Fund
To defray expenses of students entering college
General Operations Fund
For synagogue operations
Selig & Lillian Glick Scholarship Fund
For scholarships for Camp Ramah
Sidney Glick Scholarship Fund
For Jewish camp scholarships
Abraham & Eva Goldman Memorial Youth Leadership Program
To encourage BI youth to become active participants and leaders in the synagogue and Jewish community
Rabbi & Riva Goldstein Scholarship & JFL Scholarship Fund
To help students study in Israel & Summer Camp
Edward Gordon Camp Ramah Fund
Scholarships for BI students to attend Camp Ramah
Rhoda Gurevich Jewish Education Fund
For Hebrew school scholarship or Hillel
Sarah Haberman Fund
For audio equipment for people with hearing impairments
Halsband/Hurwitz Fund
For music resources for the library
Benjamin Harris Music Fund
For synagogue programming
Holocaust Memorial Fund
For Holocaust programming
Kiddush Fund
For weekly Shabbat Kiddush
Koocher Music Fund
Seed money for musical programs
Louis & Ann Kulin Fund
For maintenance of Kulin Chapel or emergency maintenance for the synagogue
Kulin Rabbinical Fund
To provide teaching & lectures by visiting scholars at BI
Library Fund
To support the BI Library
Mah Jongg Fund
To support the Mah Jongg Club
Bessie & Meyer Mintz Fund
Scholarships for USYers
Minyan Fund
To be used with approval of the daily Minyan
Prayer Book Fund
To purchase copies of the Lev Shalem siddur ($36)
President's Fund
For programs and items that directly affect the synagogue
Edith & Barney Pulda Fund
For pre-college or college student scholarships for courses and book
Mary & Lou Pulda Israel Fund
Scholarships for study in Israel and Israel pilgrimage
Rabbi's Discretionary Fund
For assistance to individuals and to support programs at BI and in the community
Rimon Religious School Fund
To support the Rimon Religious School
Murray Rotman Fund
To support programming for BI
Hal Rudnick Fund
For educational resources for children and adult education
Jacob Sacks Fund
To maintain yahrzeit plaques in sanctuary
Janet Schoem Camp Ramah Fund
For BI students to attend Camp Ramah
Shoresh Babysitting Fund
Fo childcare of toddlers during Shabbat morning and holiday services
Shul Shuttle Fund
For taxis for individuals in need of transportation to attend services
Louis Shulinski Fund
Scholarships for Jewish education at college level
Mollie Steinberg & Vivian Sigel Kiddush Fund
To sponsor a monthly Shabbat kiddush
Social Action/Small Change Fund
For social action projects and to help families in need
Srieberg, Isabell & Morty Fund
For Rimon tuition and expenses
Tree Fund
To assist in buying new trees for BI
Tree of Life
To celebrate a simchah by adding leaf to Tree of Life ($136 per leaf)
USY Fund
To support USY activities
Technology Fund
To support technology for multi-access services
Thu, December 5 2024
4 Kislev 5785
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